Who we are: We are a team of programmers, designers, quality assurance analysts, testers, customer service technicians, voice-over talent, technical writers and artists. We are a diverse group, and have degrees from accredited universities across the country in studies such as Computer Information Systems, Business, Human Development, and Teaching. But the thing that we all have in common is that we are genuinely happy people that are proud to be a part of the Pushbutton Technologies team.
Marty Beckers, CEO
We have worked for small, locally owned companies like Travel for the Birds out of Centennial, CO all the way up to huge corporations like Disney, Lexus, Land Rover, Acura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and California Pizza Kitchen. No project is too big or too small. And there are no middle men at Pushbutton Technologies, so there’s no extra "managing staff" costs or fees-- we pass our savings on to our clients.
Services and Technologies: Our slogan, “If it’s easy to use, we probably made it” should be extended to: “If it’s easy to use, we probably made it. And if the technology is out there, we probably know it.” Our programmers are some of the most talented in the country. Technologies like Adobe Flash with advanced ActionScripting, Adobe Director/Shockwave, Adobe ColdFusion, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, XHTML, HTML, CSS, ASP, JSP, PHP, XML, .NET, COBOL, Visual Basic, LotusScript (Lotus Notes/Domino Scripting), VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), Flute (Windows scripted automation), InstallShield, Database Design, Object Oriented Programming, ActiveX, OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), Microsoft Win32 API, ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), SQL, C Programming Language, C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Java (Servlets and Applets) are just a few that we are fluent in.
Would a customer service database help your business? We can create a customized database that is easy for your employees to use. Would you like to track customer calls, frequently asked questions, product issues, and resolutions? Maybe you have thousands of documents that were created using outdated technology or programming languages, and you would like a program that converts them to today’s technology. Or maybe you just need your website to be thoroughly tested for problems on all platforms and operating systems. Nothing is impossible. Additionally we can provide you with server configuration and support, technical support, incredible design packages, voice-over talent, technical document writing… if it is in some way relating to computers or technology, we can assist you.
Our Goal: Pushbutton Technologies, Inc. is a technology based company that focuses on one theory: If a product is easy to use, then people will use it. Our ultimate goal is to use up-to-date technologies to design and implement functional, easy-to-use websites and software that will help make our clients successful in the business world.
Before our Company was even officially formed, as a team, we decided that we wanted to create a business that above all else, focused on clarity for our clients, professionalism, and “attention to detail”. You may remember the old fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson entitled, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Basically, the story is about two conmen that trick a vain emperor into thinking that he is wearing a beautifully crafted suit made out of special thread (which is actually invisible). Everyone in the town has heard that if they cannot see the garment, then they are a fool, so the emperor parades around the town wearing nothing at all, and all of the townsfolk babble on and on about how beautiful his garment is. It takes a boy yelling, “He’s naked!” before everyone admits that the child was right.
As a team, we’ve taken this fairy tale and turned it into our business. We want to be the ones that can look at a software interface and say, “Hey… without any explanation, that’s confusing to most people… it doesn’t have to look or function in such a complicated way.”
Instead, we believe in creating websites and programs that are easier to use and easier to understand. So that at a glance, even though you’ve never seen the software before, you know what to do when you see a screen that looks more like an ATM machine than a complicated database of information.
Obviously, the colors, fonts, goals, and functionality can change. But, at Pushbutton Technologies, Inc., the end result will be a computer program that does all the work so that your customers don’t have to. Simple things like preloading behind the scenes, removing “click to activate this control” messages, and creatively reducing file size without affecting quality are just a few of the many programming tricks we have up our sleeves.
Contact Us: Thank you for checking us out. Please feel free to contact us anytime for a brief discussion on how we can help your business. Email us or call toll-free at 1-877-4PBUTTON (877-472-8886).